Question Evolution? Why Not Question Gravity, Also?

The spillway for the Ashokan Reservoir is a short drive from here, and when rain commences to happen a bit intensively, the spillway has a kind of nifty waterfall effect. Other times, not so much. Many scientific principles are involved, including engineering, the hydrologic cycle — and gravity. Ever notice you don't see the opposite of a waterfall in nature? Water falls, it goes downward, like everything else unless acted on by a contrary force. But y'all are smart folks and already knew that.

Some atheists and evolutionists try to put down creationists by asking why we don't deny gravity as well as evolution. Such "thinking" is fundamentally flawed.

Some tinhorns think they're putting creationists in their place when they equivocate bacteria-to-bigot evolution with gravity. When promoting the annual Question Evolution Day event, we often get sneering comments along the lines of, "Ya gonna have a Question Gravity Day, too? Haw, haw haw!" In reality, such people are showing lack of reasoning skills and inability to understand science itself by making such an invalid comparison.

Peter Henderson being a shallow thinker and bigot on the British Centre for Science Education Forums.

The bad comparison is often used as a means of ridicule and intimidation, which backfires when used on people who know how to think. There's a heap of difference between gravity and Darwin's conjectures.
An article appeared in the Jan./Feb. 2004 issue of The Professional Geologist by paleontology Professor, James S. Mellett, with the intriguing title, "Question: Do You Believe in Evolution? Answer: Do You Believe in Gravity?" While the article brought nothing new to the debate, and indeed belied a substantial misunderstanding of creation thinking, its title indicates a profound misunderstanding of evolution as well and merits a response.

Let me remind you that "science" has always relied on human observation. Obviously, observations occur in the present, even if they relate to things in the past. For instance, paleontologists, who exist in the present, make observations in the present of fossils, which exist in the present even though the fossils are the remains of organisms, which lived in the past. Science is done in the present.
To read the rest of this short article, click on "Is Believing in Evolution the Same Kind of Thing as Believing in Gravity?"

Some atheists and evolutionists try to put down creationists by asking why we don't deny gravity as well as evolution. Such "thinking" is fundamentally flawed.